Whether from storm damage, construction, or just bad luck, tree loss can be devastating. Trees play a vital role in our ecosystem, providing oxygen, shade, and habitats for other living organisms. They add colorful focal points to landscapes, protecting shade-loving plants from the sun. Trees also hold sentimental value for many people. They may represent the loss of a loved one, a birth, a marriage, or other significant life events.

Stump Busters was first created to complement our parent company, Bemis Tree Farm. Together, both operations can remove an unsightly stump and replant a new tree on the same day. This speeds up the process, reduces the amount of debris to clean up, and leaves your yard looking whole once more. If you plan to replant the stump site with a tree, please let us know, and we will grind the stump accordingly.
Bemis Tree Farm offers a wide variety of shade and ornamental trees ranging from 3 gallons to 8” caliper. It is the only commercial tree farm in Arkansas that uses a Big John Tree Transplanter to cater to residential and commercial customers. Less invasive equipment is used to plant smaller trees. Visit Bemis Tree Farm to choose the right tree for your landscaping needs.